Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Lap #3 March 16, 2009

I had my appointment with my endo specialist yesterday, and have officially booked lap #3 and excision of rectus abdominis lesion for March 16, 2009. The bad news is that I will end up staying over night at the hospital as well, so I plan on shelling out the extra cash to get a private room (vs the standard 4/room- yikes!) I don't think I could handle being with 3 other strangers recovering from their surgeries. I would be an anxiety nightmare, unless they doped me up with a lot of Valium, but I would rather not. She also recommends 2 weeks off work and life to recover, and 8 weeks before resuming all normal activities.

So at this point, it is just a waiting game until surgery. Hopefully the next 2 months will go by fast and the recovery even faster. Even though I have done this twice before, I still get nervous, so I hope everything goes easily and quickly.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Happy New Year! And Update

Yeah... I know... it has been a while. Sorry, I have been busy. Christmas at home with my family was amazing as always. It always is so nice to go home. In terms of pain not too bad, except I woke up with an extra gift (my period) on Christmas morning, so the day was a bit of a blur of Percocet and Gravol to cope with the pain and nausea.

The flights... lol, delayed 6 hours on the way out, and right before landing on the way back, they closed the airport and we were rerouted to Victoria. Thankfully I was flying WestJet, so after waiting in a massive line up for 9 hours I was given hotel vouchers etc for the night before they got us home on a charter bus and the ferry free of charge. Such a long ordeal for a mere 1 hour flight.

I finally have my follow up appointment with Dr. W on Monday, and we should be booking surgery then. The lesion in my muscles was massive over the holidays. It hasn't been that big and swollen since it first appeared last summer. I will update the details again on Monday. Enjoy the new episode of Grey's tonight and have a great weekend!