Sunday, March 29, 2009

Surgery and More

I am sorry I haven't updated yet after my surgery. Much has happened :)

Surgery went well. It was longer and more involved then initially expected. Dr. W. did a deep excision of endo under the right uterosacral ligament (2 places), the posterior cul-de-sac, and the endometrioma in the right abdominal wall. The endometrioma actually went through to the peritoneum, and she could see a collection of old "chocolate" material with the laparoscope. Because the lesion was so deep, I ended up needing a mini laparotomy, not a simple excision. Surgery was supposed to take an hour and a half, and ended up taking nearly 3 hours.

I woke up and felt OK, just very tired and very stoned. I did not get sick :D (a BIG thank you to my anaesthetist. I didn't get to see her after surgery, but she was great! Know you are VERY appreciated!) I didn't stay in the PACU very long, I then went to my room. The first few hours are a bit of a blur. I might have been sleeping, but I might have just had my eyes closed, I don't know. I remember looking at the clock every 10-20 minutes or so. I also really had to pee, but I couldn't because I was way too dizzy when I tried to sit up on my own.

Eventually I was able to get up, and I also go my cell phone (dangerous). Evidently the guy in the room next to me couldn't feel his penis. And, I, in my highly medicated state thought it was the funniest thing ever and decided to text most of the people in my phone about it. At 2 am. Again, guys, I am sorry...

I couldn't sleep, so I ended up talking nutrition with the night nurse for quite a while. Damn, those heparin shots hurt. I still have bruises. I am really tired and this is starting to get random. I will continue in the morning if I am not so exhausted and sore.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Surgery Today

Today is the big day. I can't believe it is here. I go into the hospital at 12:15, and surgery will be at about 2:15 this afternoon. Even though I know everything will be OK, I am still really freaked out, again the emetophobia thing. I am also not too thrilled about having to have the surgery as an inpatient, but at least it is only one night and my doctor has requested a private room for the emetophobia to help minimize anxiety.

I think I just need to breathe, and try to relax, because I am just a little bundle of anxiety right now. I sure hope they give me some Valium once I arrive at the hospital to try and alleviate the knots in my stomach, shakiness, dizziness, difficulty breathing and the racing heart.

Any positive vibes anyone wants to send my way will be greatly appreciated!! I will update on how the surgery went and how recovery is going as soon as I am able.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Surgery Tomorrow

OK, I am really starting to freak out a bit now. My surgery is tomorrow and feeling very very real. I have to be at the hospital at 12:15 and surgery is at 2:15 for an estimated hour and a half-two hours, and then discharged home on Tuesday if everything goes as planned. I know it will all be OK, but I am still nervous as hell, mainly again with the emetophobia issue. I don't care that they are cutting me open, I just don't want to get sick. I would rather die on the table to be honest, no joke.

I am presently on a clear fluid diet and drinking 2 pouches of Pico-Salax to prep for the surgery. It is so yucky with even yuckier effects. Not so pleasant. I am just tired and stressed out and rambling, don't mind me. I am trying to relax and breathe and minimize my anxiety, but it is hard. I am the type of person who analyzes things to death, so trying shut my brain off and relax is a very foreign concept.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Surgery on Monday and Emetophobia

Wow, am I ever starting to freak out. Surgery is on Monday, and the nerves are kicking in, in full force. I honestly don't care that they are cutting me open, I am just such a severe emetophobe that I am terrified of getting sick. It puts me into full panic attacks.

I went in for an anaesthesia consult at the hospital on Monday, and the poor anaesthesia resident. He was so nice and helpful, and I kept grilling the poor guy about anti nauseants and less emetogenic anaesthesia and techniques, aggressive re-hydration via IV etc. This guy probably thinks I am a total nutcase, but I honestly would rather die on the table then feel a hint of nausea or God forbid get sick. I think I need some Valium...

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Yellow Shirt Day 2009

Tomorrow, Monday March 2 2009 is Yellow Shirt Day 2009. What is Yellow Shirt Day? It is an international effort to draw awareness about endo, give accurate information to the public and medical community, show support for your loved ones who suffer from the disease and to find a cure. It is absolutely unacceptable that the average woman with endo suffers for 9 YEARS before an accurate diagnosis is made. For a disease that affects an estimated 5-10% of cycling women, even 9 weeks is an unacceptable diagnosis delay. It shouldn't be that hard.
My other biggest peeve is that about 98% of gyns have absolutely no idea how to treat endo. They laser or cauterize the few lesions they can recognize and balk at you and prescribe even more hormones when you are back in pain 1 month later because they didn't remove all of the disease.

***To all the doctors out there and all current and future endo patients: Endometriosis can only be diagnosed with an EXCISION and a BIOPSY of the disease. Laser and cautery do not allow for biopsy, nor do they destroy the entire lesion, just the surface which leaves the "roots" in tact. Hence the disease is not treated. Lupron and Danazol are clearly not the answer. Sampson's theory is the biggest load of bullshit I have ever heard. Hysterectomy and pregnancy are not cures nor viable "treatments". Cramps and menstrual pain are not normal. They are common, but so is type II diabetes. Common and normal are two very different things. If you know something is wrong and doctors keep brushing you off, don't give up! There are endo specialists out there who can help you without injecting you with scary hormones or pressuring you into a hysterectomy that you don't need and won't help. Don't give up!***

OK, I am done ranting for now. I have a bit of passion on the subject :)
I am wearing yellow tomorrow. The question is, are you?